Marco Campion
Postdoctoral Researcher
INRIA & ENS Paris | Université PSL
Paris, France
Research Interests
My area of research revolves around the field of formal methods. In particular, my main area of expertise is
a mathematical theory to design program semantics, program properties and program analysis.
I am also interested in foundational aspects of computation, with particular attention to the relation
between intensional and extensional properties of code.
Research topics:
- Abstract Interpretation
- Program Analysis
- Program Verification
- Computability and Formal Languages
- Denis Mazzucato, Marco Campion, Caterina Urban. Quantitative Static Timing Analysis. In 31st Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2024)
- Denis Mazzucato, Marco Campion, Caterina Urban. Quantitative Input Usage Static Analysis. In 16th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2024)
- Marco Campion, Mila Dalla Preda, Roberto Giacobazzi, Caterina Urban. Monotonicity and the Precision of Program Analysis. In 51st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2024)
- Marco Campion, Caterina Urban, Mila Dalla Preda, Roberto Giacobazzi. A Formal Framework to Measure the Incompleteness of Abstract Interpretations. In 30th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2023)
- Marco Campion, Mila Dalla Preda, Roberto Giacobazzi. On the Properties of Partial Completeness in Abstract Interpretation. In 23rd Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2022)
- Marco Campion, Mila Dalla Preda, Roberto Giacobazzi. Partial (In)Completeness in Abstract Interpretation: Limiting the Imprecision in Program Analysis. In 49th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2022)
- Marco Campion, Mila Dalla Preda, Roberto Giacobazzi. Learning Metamorphic Malware Signatures from Samples. In Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Volume 17, pages 167-183, 2021
- Marco Campion, Mila Dalla Preda, Roberto Giacobazzi. Abstract Interpretation of Indexed Grammars. In 26th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2019)
Events I am involved in
- Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of the 31st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2025)
- Chair of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of the 31st Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2024)
- Invited talk at IRIF, Université Paris Cité (Verification Seminar, Paris, France, December 2023) presenting our POPL 2024 paper
- Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of the 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2024)
- Member of the Program Committee of the Workshop on Attacks and Software Protection (WASP @ESOTERICS 2023)
- Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of the 30th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2023)
- Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of the 50th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2023)
- Hub Talk at the 35th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2022) presenting our POPL 2022 paper
- Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of the 29th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2022)
- Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of the 28th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2021)
- Invited talk at The IMDEA Software Institute (Madrid, Spain, May 2018), Title of the talk: "Indexed Grammars Abstractions and Relations with other Formal Languages" (Link)
- Currently: Postdoctoral researcher at the INRIA & ENS Paris | Université PSL in the research team ANTIQUE under the supervision of Caterina Urban
- Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Verona (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Giacobazzi. Ph.D. Thesis Title: "Partial (In)Completeness in Abstract Interpretation"
- Master Degree in Computer Science, University of Verona (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Mila Dalla Preda. Master Thesis Title: "Learning Rewriting Rules from Widening Automata"
- Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, University of Verona (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Massimo Merro. Bachelor Thesis Title: "Statistical Model Checking of DYMO routing protocol for ad-hoc networks with messages loss"
Teaching and Tutoring
- Tutor of "Software Security", University of Verona (Fall 2024)
- Tutor of "Software Security", University of Verona (Fall 2023)
- Organizer and Tutor of "Cyberchallenge 2023", University of Verona (Spring 2023)
- Tutor of "Software Security", University of Verona (Fall 2022)
- Organizer and Tutor of "Cyberchallenge 2022", University of Verona (Spring 2022)
- Tutor of "Software Security", University of Verona (Fall 2021)
- Organizer and Tutor of "Cyberchallenge 2021", University of Verona (Spring 2021)
- Organizer and Tutor of "Cyberchallenge 2020", University of Verona (Spring 2020)
- Tutor of "Programmazione I", University of Verona (Fall 2019-Spring 2020)
- Tutor of "Programmazione I", University of Verona (Fall 2018-Spring 2019)
- Tutor of "Logica", University of Verona (Fall 2017)